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Plans and sections no longer seem to be a subject of architectural research and development despite all buildings having them and all of us experiencing buildings via walls, floors and ceilings. It's no secret that efficient planning saves resources or that we can configure plans and sections to produce passive climatic or other advantages. Equally crucially, our existing housing typologies aren't adapting easily or quickly enough to meet new housing realities, especially in cities, and many of the plans and sections shown here respond to those new realities by designing for new types of households. Actual and anticipated shifts in social fundamentals are the obvious starting point for architectural exploration. 






2019 08 Socio-technical Systems for High-Rise Jails
Co-authored with Hugh Lester and Ellyn Lester and delivered at Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference TE2019, Tokyo University, Japan



2020 08  Comfort Zone
ADATO #1_2020– Architecture + Medicine
Thoughts on staying in and going out. 


2020 03  Sundowner
ADATO #2_2019 – Architecture + Voyage
Musings on the end of the world. 


2019 08  A Shinohara House is a Work of Art
Log 45, Winter/Spring 2019, Anyone Corporation

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2016 05 A Rationalist in Venice
An essay tribute to Ignazio Gardella, architect of Casa delle Zattere that hosted the 2016 Venice Bienalle exhibition Unfolding Pavilion.  


book chapters

2019 08 The Blog as Online Research Laboratory
Published transcript of the seminar From Crisis to Crisis, a symposium on Reading, Writing and C criticism in Architecture symposium held at the Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong 6-8 Apri;, 2017. 




2017 04 The Blog As Online Research Laboratory

A talk as part of the Reading, Writing and Criticism in Architerture symposium hosted by the Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong.  

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2018 08 Models of Instruction

A December 2017 post translated into Chinese and appearing on the architecture and urbanism website Eyes On Place


2016 05 Architecture Reductions
Two December 2015 articles on the theme of modernity, translated into Polish and published in the 2106 05 issue of the Polish architecture quarterly RZUT.


2019 08  Architecture is in Motion, Again

2017 03  The Nine-Step Architectural Beauty Detox Plan

2017 06  It's Time for a New Definition of Architectural Beauty

2017 01  When did "Context" Become a Dirty Word in Architecture?

2016 11  Whatever Happened to the "Architects' Architect"?

2016 10  The Ethics of Rendering: Acceptable Lies When Anything is Possible

2017 08  Unspoken Communications: A How-To for Young Architects

2016 05  The Pleasures and Futility of Teaching Drawing to Students


presentations and collaborations

2018 04  Misfits at JESTER
A public talk in the form of an interview conducted by Belgian architect Pierre Eyban at a newly-opened cultural café in Brussels.

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2016 08 16,777,216 Architectures

A summer seminar delivered at the Stevens Institute of Technology.


2016 07 Face of the House project contributor to  the Unfolding Pavilion exhibition at the 15th Venice Biennale.


2016 02  Guest Curator of OfHouses
For three weeks was guest curator of OfHouses, Daniel Munteanu's blog featuring old, forgotten houses. 


2015 08  Interview for The Urbanist
Interviewed by Zlexei Korolyov for The Urbanist radio as a follow-on from the previous day's public lecture.


2015 08  The Periodic Table of Architecture

A summer public lecture delivered at the Moscow School of Architecture (MARCH)



2020~  Assistant Professor, School of Public Architecture, Michael Graves College, Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou, PR China    
2009~2020  Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Sharjah, UAE

2008~2009  Architecture Editor, WS Atkins Middle East, Dubai

2005~2008  Senior Designer, DLG Architects, London

2003~2005  Assistant Design Architect, Hunter & Partners, London
1999~2003  Assistant Architect, Haddow Partnership, Basingstoke, UK 

1993~1999  Financial translator, Yamaichi Securities, London

1990~1993  Technical Translator, Kyowa Patent & Law Office, Tokyo

1983~1990  Freelance technical translator, Tokyo

1980~1983  Masters of Architecture, Atelier of Kazuo Shinohara , Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (東京工業大学、篠原研究室)

1978  Bachelor of Architecture, University of Western Australia

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